Essential Foods to Look Like a Fitness Model

No excuses. If you want to look like a fitness model, you have to eat like one.

Chances are you weren’t born into riches, with a personal chef and nothing on your daily to do list then to gym, tan, and sleep…. This means in order to meet your fitness goals; you have to meal prep to fit your busy lifestyle.

Here is what you need:

Meat – Lean meats such as turkey, chicken, tuna, tilapia etc. alternatively, other types that contain more muscle building qualities like Salmon or Steak.

Organic Eggs – I usually mix one or two whole eggs with liquid egg whites from a carton. This way you get more protein and less cholesterol without compromising the taste.

Essential Fats – A few different options based on whether you are cutting or bulking weight -cashews/almonds/peanuts (the butter spreads also an option), Omega 3, Flaxseed and Avocado.

Vegetables – Vegetables are a vital part in meeting your daily fiber requirement – Standard choices are usually Broccoli, Asparagus, Spinach, Mushrooms, Carrots and Tomatoes.

Carbohydrates – If your carb intake is very high, it will be key to have a variety so you’re not always eating the same thing. Here is some quality options -Brown/White Organic Rice, Yams, Sweet Potato, Butternut Squash, Rice Cakes, Quinoa, & Organic Oats.

Water – Most people over look the importance of water. Adequate hydration cleanses your skin; helps flush the system and most importantly can prevent headaches and boost energy levels.

Fruits – Many fruits contain anti-oxidants, help energy levels and contain loads of other nutritional benefits to create the perfect balance – Bananas and Blueberries are a good ‘go to’ for fruits.

Now that you know what needs to be done, it is time to put a plan into action. Go out and buy a lot of tub-aware containers so you can meal prep maybe once or twice a week and then freeze your meals until you’re ready to use them.

A really good way to keep organized is through the SixPack Meal Bag – pack your shakes, meals, and pills. Hard work and preparation bring success.

Good luck!