Why We Should Embrace Change

Many individuals are drawn to the new and the novel, yet they often fear change and new experiences.

People are curious about the world, about the possibilities lying just beyond the sightline. A love of learning drives curiosity and an interest in new things. Learning new things is fun, exciting and enjoyable.

New things capture the imagination and create excitement; however, the double-edged sword is that the new is also anxiety-provoking. The new is uncertain and never guaranteed. It represents the unknown as well as the unfamiliar, so that while we gain energy and enthusiasm for the new and novel, this newness and uncertainty make us anxious. These contradictions are part of what makes us interesting as human beings but also part of what holds us back when new opportunities arise.

The uncertainty that derives from the new and novel can curtail the pursuit of our goals and our learning as well as our growth as individuals. We tend to get stuck in the same familiar ways of routine and habits rather than having the motivation to continue learning something new or taking the steps toward change. We can become overwhelmed by the change and the new direction rather than make a big change.

Why embrace the new?

  1. As individuals, we enjoy learning new things and are attracted by the new and novel
  2. While new things are exciting, they also make us anxious
  3. The new can lead to change, growth and transformation if we make a choice to go with the change

There is a newness and unexpectedness of each day when we change, embrace that change and welcome the beauty of the new day into our life.

Change keeps life fresh. Novelty is vital in life. It keeps life interesting. For those who welcome it, there are ample rewards.

Suzanne Cook, Ph.D. is a Gerontologist, Speaker, Expert Advisor, Academic Entrepreneur. Connect with her at suzannecook.ca.