Better Health through Hot Tubs?

Hot tubs and spas continue to be popular, with 160 million people making at least one visit to a spa last year, reports the International Spa Association. From stress reduction to the relief of arthritis pain, people rely on their hot tubs to feel better. Keeping your hot tub clean and free from germs lets you use your hot tub without the risk of picking up other medical problems, such as an infection.

Just for the Health of it

The International Hot Tub Association cites medical studies that have shown that hot tub use can be beneficial to people with mild chronic heart illness, arthritis symptoms and sleep disorders.

WebMD says that when used correctly, people who use hot tubs report a reduction in pain and stiffness. The heat relaxes muscles, increases blood flow to the painful areas, and reduces muscle spasms.

Health and Fitness Travel notes five primary health benefits of using a spa or hot tub:

  1. Relief of Muscle Tension and Pain: The water supports your body, removing pressure from your muscles. Endorphins are released which act as a pain reliever.
  2. Healing of Muscle Tissue: The warm water increases circulation through the muscles. This helps to heal the little tears that occur from muscle strain.
  3. Increases Immune System Response: With increased circulation, more white cells move through the body and more waste products are removed through the lymphatic system.
  4. Detoxification: Sweating increases in the warm water, removing more toxins from the body through the skin.
  5. Stress Relief: The warm water can reduce high blood pressure and produce a calm feeling.

Keeping Your Hot Tub “Healthy”

To get the most benefit from your hot tub, make sure it’s clean and free of infection-producing organisms. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that a skin infection called Hot Tub Rash is common in hot tubs that have been allowed to stand for long periods without proper cleaning.

Start by removing the hot tub cover. Examine it for tears or punctures. If water has soaked the interior of the cover, you may not be able to clean it completely and will need to buy a replacement. If it is in good shape, wipe off the top with an all-purpose cleaner. Spray fresh water on the bottom and wipe it clean. Set the cover in the sun to dry.

Take out the filter cartridge and remove any large pieces of debris. Rinse the filter with fresh water. Wipe out the filter housing. Another approach is to purchase a second filter to use while you are cleaning the old filter. Place it somewhere to dry and switch them the next time you clean. You can also purchase a filter cleaning solution and soak the filter in it to loosen dirt and kill bacteria.

Use granular chlorine or hot tub “shock” and follow the instructions for mixing. Add this to the hot tub, cover and turn on the jets. Continue running the hot tub this way for 30 minutes.

Obtain some spa plumbing cleaner and mix per instructions. Pour this into the hot tub and continue running for another 30 minutes. This product removes materials such as hair products and suntan lotion that may build up in the hot tub’s tubing.

Turn off your hot tub and drain all of the water from it. Rinse the tub well with fresh water and wipe any residue from the sides. Replace the filter and fill the hot tub with fresh water.

Add the appropriate amount of granular chlorine for your tub and run it with the cover on for eight to twelve hours. Check the chlorine level and adjust as needed.