You’re Too Skinny to Work Out

“Why are you working out, you don’t need to lose weight?”

As if fitting into a size 0 is the only reason to go to the gym.

I hear comments like this, and I’m going to try to keep the attention seeking to a minimum. I just wanted to say a few thoughts.

I was fortunate enough to not have any baby fat growing up. In fact, I’m underweight for my height. It was only recently that I could look at myself in the mirror and believe, “I am skinny”. I just always thought, “I’m not skinny enough”.

Despite popular belief: I found it hard to walk up flights of stairs. I died trying to catch my breath after running to catch the bus. My joints ached (at 21!!?!??!) because I wasn’t active enough. I was just not happy with my health overall.

So they’re right. I don’t need to lose weight – I need to get fit: Get more endurance, more strength, and be happier and more confident in myself.

A factor that I encounter is not being able to see results, meanwhile, many others get to take before and after shots of how much they lost, and how great they look now. (Yes, I do know that results don’t happen over night.) I still don’t know much about working out, but for now, I’m just happy I’ve started, and my mind is set.

It’s only been a month, and while I don’t see results, I’m feeling results. I can run up those stairs without huffing and puffing. My joints no longer crack and ache when I’m trying to run across the crosswalk. And best of all, I’m happier.

People will always judge, I know that. I just wished they would just say: “Good job!” instead of, “You don’t need to! I should be the one working out!” Get your ass in the gym then.


That noob trying to lift