5 Fast Food Films

Movies and Fast Food are both huge parts of the North American culture. People eat fast food while watching movies all the time, too. But what happens when the movies are about fast food and the effects of an unhealthy lifestyle?

Here are 5 movies on just that. As Stick It To Food puts it, “like our food system,” these movies are both “funny and depressing”. Happy watching!

Food Inc.

A documentary looking at where the food we buy comes from and how that affects our culture, health, and the quality of life for the next generation. Food Inc. exposes the cozy (creepy!) relationship between the Big Food industry and government. (Released: 2008)

Supersize Me

All McDonald’s all month. Watch director Morgan Spurlock gain weight, lose health, and become utterly nauseated at the thought of eating fast food. If you haven’t seen this, you must. If you have, you should watch it again. (Released: 2003)

The Corporation

What exactly is a ‘corporation’? Legally, it’s a person. More specifically: a psychopath. The Corporation is definitely thought-provoking and makes you question the structure that most dramatically influences our lives. (Released: 2003)


Michael Moore examines the messed-up healthcare system in the US. Although not connected directly to fast food, this film presents how dysfunctional government’s relationship is with corporations —and how this relationship costs YOU. (Released: 2007)

Forks Over Knives

Our society’s degenerative diseases can be prevented, argues Forks Over Knives. We must change our animal-based processed food diet. (Released: 20011)

There are of course plenty more – are there any others you would recommend?

  • Healthy180

    FRESH, compares corporate to sustainable farming practices. About an hour long.