Vegan Macaroni and Cheese: Video Recipe

Oh the joys of comfort food…

Every day it’s getting colder, and all you want to do is curl up with a blanket and eat your way to warmth and well… comfort!  The time has come, for all vegans to enjoy the comforting feeling provided by Mac & Cheese. I’m the EdgyVeg, a Vegan lifestyle blogger who wants you to love what you eat. Raw foodists, nudists (it rhymed), vegetarians and meat eaters unite by trying these easy vegan recipes that you actually WANT to eat!  The secret ingredient is you! Voila!

Check out this easy to make Vegan Macaroni & Cheese recipe below, because vegan food doesn’t have to suck!

Daiya Vegan Macaroni and Cheese (Dairy-Free Recipe) with Edgy Veg


This post is part of a series, Vegan Friday, by Candice, the Edgy Veg.