Beginner’s Circle: 5 Steps to Begin Your Weight Loss Journey

So you’ve finally decided it’s time to shed those extra pounds, but now what? Where do you begin? Well for starters, I would like to congratulate you on realizing that it’s time to get serious about your health. Whatever your fitness goal may be, whether its health related or for your own personal satisfaction, having the right type of attitude and setting a realistic goal for yourself will take you far in terms of losing weight and maintaining a healthier lifestyle.

There are definitely some vital first steps that need to be taken if you are serious about losing weight, getting fit, and living a healthier lifestyle. Throughout this blog, I intend to elaborate on each point and provide tips and real life experiences to motivate you. I am in no way a professional – but I think the best way to motivate others is by illustrating my own personal experiences. As a beginner myself, I know how tough it can be to break those old habits and develop new ones in order to get in shape. Believe me, it’s the ultimate test of self control. With the right tools, attitude, and support system, you will be able to reach your weight loss goals in no time. So let’s get started!

1. Set a Realistic Goal for Yourself

Let’s face it – you’re not going to get ripped abs in a week. Becoming fit and getting into shape takes a lot of hard work and dedication. Set a realistic goal for yourself – something specific and measurable that you can achieve in a realistic fashion. Changing your lifestyle and getting healthier is a lengthy process. It isn’t going to happen overnight, or in a month from now. So be realistic with your goal, and set smaller goals for yourself along the way – like running for an extra few minutes on the treadmill each week. You’ll eventually see small changes as the weeks go on. Setting a goal for yourself with smaller goals in between will keep your fitness journey challenging, interesting, and it will ultimately motivate you to reach your end result.

2. Surround Yourself with Positive People

It’s a lot easier to stay on track if you surround yourself with positive people who will motivate and support you along the way. You need to associate yourself with people who are not going to tempt you, or hinder your progress. It’s a major plus if your friends are also trying to get in shape. You guys can share tips, workout routines, and even go to the gym together. By motivating each other, you’ll be sure to stay on track.

3. Educate Yourself

Read, read, read! Read fitness magazines, online articles, health blogs – anything to educate yourself about losing weight in a healthy manner. In fact, you are already on the right track if you’re reading this post! The first thing I did when I decided to get serious about my health was subscribe to Women’s Health magazine. I know that if that magazine were to come to my door one month and I wasn’t keeping up with my workout schedule, I would instantly feel guilty. It’s a great motivating tool for me, and it could be one for you as well. I also suggest watching workout tutorials online, and just having conversations with  people who are also trying to lose weight. Learn as much as you can about what types of foods you should be eating, and what types of exercises you should be doing to target those problem areas. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and let others know about your weight loss goals!

4. Change Your Diet

It’s great that you want to exercise more and lose weight – but it isn’t going to happen unless you change your diet. Start slowly – maybe start by cutting out the caffeine and drinking more water. Instead of eating chips and cookies as snacks, grab some fruit. I know incorporating healthier snacks into your diet can be a bit challenging. I always find my parents buying a ton of junk food, stocking our kitchen cupboards with enough to hinder any diet. To overcome the temptation, I started going grocery shopping on my own to pick up more fruits and vegetables to snack on and to bring to work. It’s all about being proactive.

5. Invest in a Gym Membership

I know the gym can be a daunting place, and getting your butt there after work or school can be a drag, but you are not going to reach your goals unless you combine eating right and working out. Shop around before you sign on the dotted line – there are a lot of different gyms out there that cater to different needs. Once you find what you are looking for, I highly recommend scheduling a fitness evaluation. Nowadays, many gyms offer this service complimentary when you sign up, so take advantage of it! It’s a great way to learn about the different machines and how to exercise efficiently.  Also, incorporate the gym into your regular schedule. Eventually, you’ll learn to love going to the gym – you just have to be patient and remember why you’re doing it in the first place.