Monica Shares How She Lost Over 60 Pounds

My journey to lose weight started in 2008 but really took off when I started with Nitro Fitness in June 2010. In those 7 months I lost 58 lbs, 40 inches down, went from a size 18 to a size 4 and my body fat percentage went from 35% to 12%.

During a Las Vegas Biggest Looser Competition in January 2010 – February 2011, I was able to obtain goals that I really didn’t expect. I signed up for the competition to motivate myself to get to my final goal by March 2011, no if and or butts. I started at 119 lbs and reached my final goal and exceeded it by 1 lb loosing 15 lbs, 10% body fat, and 10 inches. Prior to the competition I truly believed I reached my “set weight”. But with Nitro Fitness Plan I continued to see results and learned that with Ninko’s unique plan and fitness expertise we can easily pull through a plateau.

In addition to the changes in my physical appearance are the benefits to my overall health. When I started with Nitro Fitness Plan I had neck and back pain every day, and had battled with diabetes every day. As of current, I no longer deal with the neck and back pain, my diabetes medication has been reduced and on some occasions I don’t even have to take my medication at all.

Monika Before and After Weight Loss

To add to the physical appearance and medical benefits, my overall fitness endurance has changed dramatically. In the past I could never have imagined being involved in anything that had the word “boot camp” in it. I recall on my fist day of class I went home feeling defeated and couldn’t move for hours, I also couldn’t’ do a sit up without someone stepping on my feet.  Now we sometimes do 100-200 sit ups after each class and on ab day (Saturdays) we easily do 1000 reps. Now when I go home after class I feel pumped and ready to tackle anything and everything.

So what’s so different from this plan and the various plans out there? Ninko makes each and every class different, energetic and fun to the point of being addicted. I very rarely miss a day, and when I do I feel like I really missed out. I have never had so much fun completing a project like the one I have been working on in the last 7 months for weight loss. Not only do we do cardio and resistance training, circuits, and interval training but we also have fun classes that incorporate fun activities such as basketball, tug of war, team obstacles and many fun equipment such as TRX cables, punching bag, Battling ropes, BOSU balls, and much more.

When I originally started working out in the gym I remembered dreading having to go and had to push myself to get there. I know if I had to work out at the gym day in and day out I would most definitely have given up within the first month (isn’t that what happens with most of us). At Nitro Fitness Plan, we are like a family, we motivate each other so no matter what your fitness level we all work together to get the task done whether you have to lose 50lbs, albs,  just want to tone, or just want to get your heart pumping it will work. No matter what your goal is if you stay consistent to the program, and stick to the nutrition advice you will get there.

Everyone is different and what works for me, may not be the same for you. I do a lot of project management with my job and I tackled my weight loss in the same manner I would any project given to me at work. Do your research, take a nutrition class, speak to the experts, sign up for informational newsletters, and determine what works best for you. Remember stay consistent and if you have a bad day or a bad week, don’t let it interfere with your future results. Just get back up. Remember this is for life.  So if you have a bad day or week you have the rest of your life to make up for it. Throw your pride out the door, get the expertise you need, stay consistent to the program and get over any fears you have of the word boot camp.

Most importantly “GET NITRO, GET FIT”. Even if you’re not sure and just want to come check it out. Get in touch with Ninko and leave all your other fears behind. You’ve probably tried everything else, so what do you have to lose. Meet real people who have had success on the program and meet a trainer who really cares about the results of his clients.