How Time Heals and Strengthens

We hear it all the time (pun not intended): “time heals all”.

Well, it does. Just as a scrape on our skin takes time to heal, so do situations we face that may be painful. As time goes on the feeling of the situation becomes less intense, and we forget about it since we are not longer focused on it.

What we often don’t realize is that time doesn’t just have the ability to heal, but it also has the ability to strengthen. We all face tough situations in our lives, but we don’t always realize that the situation is there for a reason. Once we understand how to learn from it to create a better self, we realize the true power of time. As time heals us through passing, it also provides the chance for us to consistently build ourselves up.

Let’s take the analogy of a physical injury. Over time that injury will usually heal if just left alone. However, during that time it takes to heal, you also have the opportunity to strengthen the injury through hard work and physio. While waiting for time to heal is reactive, using time to strengthen is proactive.

If we apply this to an emotional situation, I can use myself as an example. I made some really stupid mistakes last year as I began to confront my insecurities. I could have easily let time heal the wounds I created for myself, but instead used the time to strengthen myself in character. I used the time to create consistency in my words and actions. I put to use the time in changing from who I was, to who I always wanted to be. Of course it wasn’t easy, but one thing’s for sure, it was time well spent.

We all have the ability to use time to our advantage. We know that almost inevitably time will help us heal, but we must also realize that same time can be used to strengthen us as we move forward in our journey. In order to see this perspective, you need some sort of vision… some sort of journey. That vision will provide you with a ‘Why’ for strengthening. And while that vision may not always be clear to see at first, it will always exist if you allow it to exist.

So as time passes, don’t just move on…. move up! Work towards realizing your full potential and use the time that passes as an opportunity to grow and develop.