5 Study Tips for Exams

When it comes to exam time, most people panic. Here a few simple tips that may make your studying experience a little less stressful.

1. Avoid Cramming

Cramming does not work.  Your brain is not wired to store a large quantity of information over a small period of time , it will store the last few bits of information that you read.  Under stress and the adrenaline of going to an evaluation, repeating information over and over will eventually be forgotten. Start studying at least two weeks in advance so you can always get help in a particular unit if it needs clarification. When you start early enough you can easily avoid the stress and anxiety of pulling an all-nighter. And, you can move at a steadier pace—20 minutes a night is easier to handle than 7 hours the night before. By the week before the exam you’ll have read everything at least once and you’ll be prepared! Work hard, don’t panic.

2. Use an Agenda 

Write your study time in your agenda everyday. An agenda is a great organizational tool that can be used in a variety of ways.

3. Have a Study Area

Find a place where you can keep all your notes, books and any other study tools. Find a place where there is minimal distractions ( no TV or laptop), and where you can study uninterrupted for a few hours. A library or a study room at a community centre is a great choice.

4. Make Your Own Notes

Look at the chapter or unit or section. What are the titles, heading and subheadings? Are there any bolded words? Write these down. These are key words, and they are great indicators to help you know what the material is about.  Go over previous unit tests and study off of them, chance’s are the exam will have mirrored questions, especially the questions that are more challenging or worth more marks.

5. Be Patient

It will take some time to get facts and work memorized and in your head, don’t get frustrated if it takes some time. Study a week or two ahead of an exam everyday to make sure that the facts are knowledge that you know and not bits of information that you regurgitate the day of the exam. Knowing is better then memorizing and will help you in the long haul.Lastly, these tips are just a basic guideline to help you study and prepare for exams. On the night before have a healthy and satisfying dinner and go to bed early. On the day of eat a full breakfast and bring a water bottle and if permitted some gum with you to an exam. It has been statistically proven that students who drank water and chewed gum during an evaluation scored higher because it forces certain parts of your brain (your medulla oblongata is one) to focus on the task at hand.

Stay focused and work hard and you will succeed. Best of luck!

Thanks to Tavleen Dhinsa for these tips.