3 Steps to Optimum Motivation

One of the most difficult things to do – especially when getting out of bed – is motivating yourself to get going and focus on what is critical to your success.

How do you move forward when you’re unmotivated? The intentions may always be there, however at a time when your actions are most needed, you can easily fall short. This is a cycle that is perpetual and can harm you. Therefore it is necessary that you prevent this cycle from occurring, starting now. Here are some simple steps to follow.

1. Control your thoughts right from the moment you rise.

Get a hold of all your thoughts right when you wake up, so that you start off your day in control. You need the right triggers to move you forward in the right direction. Use reminders that are forceful and have enough reason behind them to make you get up in the morning and do what you need to do. You would usually wake up on-time for a doctor’s appointment, right? Treat your morning tasks exactly the same way. Its helpful to have a white board on your wall where you wake up everyday, this way you can have a visual reminder of the things you need to do, as soon as you get up.

2. Simmer the guilt when you drop the ball.

You may mess up sometimes, and you may even feel guilty about the lost opportunity. As your routine is compromised, you may feel as if you missed out on all the disposable time you could have had, and could have capitalized on. When this happens, take the time to reflect and learn from it. Use the weight of this to make sure you don’t drop the ball again.

3. Tell your friends what you’re doing.

Use accountability to help you stay on track. Get other people to hold you responsible for your own goals, so that you are making sure you live up to what you say you are going to do. Ask friends that will follow-up with you. This will not only help your routine, but could also influence others in a positive way.

Basim is a Toronto based entrepreneur with a passion for enterprise creation and social media.