Dreading Getting Older? Grow Up!

After seeing a Facebook post lamenting age, due to an upcoming birthday, I had to chuckle. Is getting older really that dreadful?

Sure it might involve a bit more effort to lose that extra pound at the gym, and you could wince at the sight of a new wrinkle, but I think age should be embraced.

If you’ve ever seen someone coping with serious sickness, or narrowly avoided a dangerous accident, you know that every day is a gift.

If you’re open to learning, the lessons don’t stop when you finish traditional academic studies. Getting older is a chance to expand your horizons and grow spiritually, emotionally, intellectually; even financially.

Be real. It’s ok if you don’t know the answer yet. There’s no need to be nervous, insecure and pretend to be someone you’re not.

After leaving the corporate banking world, I know I’ve learned more in these last 12 months than any other and I’m excited to see what’s ahead! (Plus, according to Oprah + Sex and the City life is supposed to keep getting better!)

In 2013, I’ve been trying to write 5 things I’m grateful for each day in a journal. Now, I’m going to add one more bullet point; something new that I learned that day!

Ask questions, visit different places, try new food, read articles, meet diverse people. Stay curious and you’ll never stop growing.

“Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength.” – Betty Friedan