It’s Simple: Eat More Fruit!

We keep looking for new and complex answers to the wellness question. Yet the truth is often simple. In this age of information and face-paced living, we seem to forget that the answer to our wellness woes is often contained within the age-old wisdom that has been passed down to us by our ancestors. Medical science, technology and all the wonderful new research and products cannot replace healthy eating … ever!

“There is an intimate connection between body and mind – if we are healthy in body, then we are more likely to be healthy in mind, and vice versa. One of the simplest ways to boost our physical health is to eat more fruit. Fruit is high in fibre, low in cholestorol, and most contain vitamin C, which boosts our immunity. Make a point of eating 5 pieces of fruit today – you’ll fell better all over!”

So if you want to start feeling better, while also contributing to chronic disease prevention, a really excellent start is to simply be more mindful about what you are putting into your body. An excellent start is to make a conscious decision to eat more fruit!

Next time you find yourself reaching into the medicine cabinet for a pharmaceutical quick fix , take a moment to reflect on what your eating habits have been like lately. Ask yourself if there seems to be a connection between what you’ve been eating (or not eating) and drinking (or not drinking) and how you are feeling. When I say “feeling” I mean physically, emotionally, mentally and even spiritually. Then ask yourself if you can spare a few weeks to do a little experiment in conscious eating … you may be surprised at the results.

Here are a few surprising benefits of one of the most common fruits on our store shelves. When is the last time you stopped to consider how good for you it actually is? Take bannanas, for example.

10 Health Benefits of Bananas

  1. Helps who wants to quit smoking.
  2. Can boost brain power.
  3. Relieves menstrual cramps.
  4. Reduces itchy mosquito bites.
  5. Prevents anemia.
  6. Promotes healthy bones.
  7. Reduces depression.
  8. Lowers risk of heart diseases and hypertension.
  9. Regulates bowel movements.
  10. Helps people with ulcer.

And some of you thought that bananas were just for slipping into your peanut-butter sammies!